Monday, September 30, 2019

Research Method in Biological Level of Analysis Psychology Essay

Examine the use of one research method used in the biological level of analysis, including an evaluation of the ethical considerations related to them. The case studies method consists in taking a patient personal history in order to take a diagnosis. It is usually applied in persons that have abnormal characteristics in behaviour, at biological or at cognitive level; it can also be applied to a group of people that are under the same situation. Case study is a long-term research where the patient or the group of people are studied to get into a conclusion. This type of study investigates and recollects qualitative data, such as feelings and experiences. At the same time it also includes quantitative data of measurements such as blood testing, IQ scores and other survey data. An example of case-study method is the Phineas Gage research. Phineas was the man who had an accident and a metal pole entered through its skull. It entered through his left cheek and exited through its frontal lobe. There were many factors that made of this situation really abnormal. Just after the accident Phineas was awake. He lost the vision in his left eye, but in his right eye the vision was perfect. Besides he didn’t suffer any paralysis and had no difficulty with speech or language. However, the doctor noted that his intellectual abilities and his emotional control had been destroyed. Gage had become impatient, indulgent and though he made plans for hi future he could never follow them. He could be described as a child. According to the long-term case study, his frontal lobe provided evidence that the brain affects personality and social behaviour. This is a really important research because it presents one of the biological level of analysis, the one that refers there are biological correlates of behaviour. Here we can see how damaged physiological factor can affect behaviour. Besides it shows us how case studies are really useful, because not all changes in behaviour happen from one day to another. As this study evidenced the process in which the behaviour starts to see affected is a long-term process. Case studies of the brain-damaged patients have led to important findings about the brain. According to the ethics in this type of research, probably there are more negative facts tan positive facts. Case studies researches are not ethical because the patient is treated, observed and examined like it is a completely different person compared to the others. Besides it can invade your personal spaces and take you away some privacy. The researcher gets to know deeply personal information fro the patient, which is not usually shared with other people. Besides, some of this information may be published or at least written up as a research report, in order to be used in a future as valid information in researches, etc. That’s why the identity of the person should be always protected; the researcher needs to cover all the details that could lead others to work out the individual’s identity. In the case of Phineas Gage most of this ethical considerations weren’t taked into count. They didn’t covered up his identity, beside they go into details of his personal life. In conclusion the case studies are really important because are the ones that lead us to conclusions about real life issues and particular problems. The researches done by this method are really accurate and play a really important role in psychology biological level of analysis.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Impact of Railroads in America

Nineteenth century America was a time of rapid growth and expansion. The movement of settlers further and further west accompanied by technological advances led to the major growth of cities and industries across the American frontier. However, it was the major innovations of transportation that had the most significant impact on the expansion of Midwestern and western America. The construction of canals and roads led to the increase in the use of stagecoaches, steamboats, and ultimately railroads. Railroads became extremely popular in America in the 1800’s. The railroad industry itself began to boom; it was supported by its reputation for speed and efficiency. But, along with the booming industry of railroads came the strong debate that plagued Congress for years: should railroads be constructed as the major source of transportation over roads and canals? Although roads had become increasingly popular, the railroad industry was also viewed as being monopolistic, undemocratic, and unsafe. Despite the fact that railroads were sometimes monopolistic and undemocratic in that respect, railroads proved to be most vital in the expansion of the Midwest and western America. It was the use of railroads over all other methods of transportation that aided in communication, the transportation of goods, and ultimately decreased the costs of transportation, all of which contributed to the expansion of the American frontier. Before the rise of railroads, stagecoaches and steamboats dominated the transportation industry. Stagecoaches were an effective means of transportation, but in the early 1800’s they were accompanied by Robert Fulton’s invention–the steamboat. The steamboat was a â€Å"combined river and overland transport system† that proved to be effective in transporting goods and people. These locomotives were able to travel the rivers from the north and provide military posts and plantations with goods in the south while transporting passengers and immigrants. Prior to railroads, steamboats were the major and often only form of transporting settlers and maintaining communication between certain areas. Yet, the rise of railroads led to the inevitable fall of the steamboats, and the railroads took over as the major method of transportation. Although stagecoaches and steamboats were effective means of transportation, they were soon surpassed by railroads as the preferred method of travel. Railroads began blanketing America in the 1820’s and by the 1860’s over 30,626 miles where covered by the railroads. This rapid growth of railways was due to the fact that railroads offered better economy, speed, and reliability than other methods of transportation at that time. First, a cheaper alternative to traveling by stage or steamboat was to use the railways. Railroad companies offered low-fare excursion rates that made it more economical to travel. Overall, the cost of transportation was reduced by $150 million by 1859 due to the economic advantages of traveling by rail. Another advantage the railroads had over stages and steamboats was its high rate of speed. Railroads were two times as fast as stagecoaches and four times as fast as steamboats (Shi, 499). Also, the railroads were much more reliable than the roads or canals. Railroads had the ability to travel all year long with few limitations, while both stagecoaches and steamboats had difficulty traveling during the winter months, â€Å"at no time†¦ was stagecoach travel more trying and difficult than during cold, winter months† (Winther, 72). With that in mind, steamboats could not function or operate when the canals were frozen over. These difficulties were all contributing factors in the expansion of the railroad industry. With railroads quickly becoming the preferred method of travel, the demand began to rise and railroads were being built in high numbers in order to accommodate the increasing demand. The more railroads that were available meant more and more industries could use them to transport goods. There was better communication between the east and west, and people could also use the railroads to travel throughout the states. And it was there that railroads began to have a significant impact on the development and expansion of American society. At the peak of expansion in the 1800’s, communication between the east and west was at the forefront of importance. A document from the State of Pennsylvania regarding railways in 1825 remarked that there is extreme â€Å"importance and necessity of effecting a communication between the eastern and western divisions of the commonwealth† (Wade, 5). The appearance of the railroads in the early 19th century decreased and nearly diminished the communication gap as it provided a reliable and speedy method of communication. As the railroads became more prominent across the United States, the western states naturally became linked to the Midwestern and eastern states through the Union Pacific Railroad. This railroad running from the east coast to the west coast opened up new doors in trans-continental communication. Businesses between the east and the west were able to communicate more effectively, and thus, trans-continental trade became more defined throughout the United States. The mail services began using railroads as well, which was a large factor in improving communication across the US. Trans-continental communication was broadened simply by the increased number of people traveling across the country. And, even when the railroads seemed an impractical method of transportation, â€Å"they might make possible long lines of communication otherwise impracticable† (Haney, 183). So, railroads played an important role in broadening communication between the east and the west. Another factor that was directly benefited from the widespread use of railroads was the transportation of goods between the states. Before the rise of railroads, interstate trade was limited. Most goods were transported by way of boat, which was a slow, expensive transportation method limited to the water, or by wagons. Also, the types of goods that were transported were limited as well. Perishable items, which were potential victims to bacteria and spoilage, could not be preserved on boats, and therefore could not be traded throughout the states. These were inefficient methods of the transportation of goods. On the other hand, railroads allowed for better inter-continental trade. The rail cars themselves could carry heavier loads of goods at higher speeds than boats or wagons, which made them extremely efficient methods for trade. Furthermore, goods transported on railroads faced a lower risk of damage or breakage than by boats because land travel is much more uniform in motion than water travel. Oppositely, canals posed a high risk of damage to the transported goods: â€Å"much damage has been received by goods from the roughness of the water† (Wade, 41). With regards to perishable goods, the railroads offered safer traveling conditions by eliminating the bacteria produced by stagnant water as well as dust particles. Some rail cars even served as â€Å"refrigerators†, so meat could be transported across the country. Of course, the tremendous speed of the railroads contributed to their efficiency in the transportation of goods. Along with communication and trade, the railroads made a significant change in the overall cost of transportation. First, railroads could be constructed across the country at one-third of the expense to build a single canal. This was primarily due to the on land construction, which took one-third of the time to build than canals, so workers were not being paid for such an extended period of time (Wade, 6). The railroads offered greater promise in making more money because they could be used for every season, all year long. The costs decreased even after the construction of railroads. The tolls on canals were expensive while the tolls on railroads were only one-third the cost per ton of that of canals. Also, railroads were preserved and repaired more easily than canals. While the cost to repair canals was extremely expensive, railroads were repaired at one-third the cost. When repairs were needed there was no delay for the passengers or the goods because it was quite customary to transfer from one rail station to another (Wade, 35). The decreased costs to build and repair both contributed to the lower rates of travel for the passengers. Railroad rates were based on cost, determined by weight, distance, and grade, not on profit. These decreased costs were important in promoting the railway industry because they offered such affordable means of traveling for their passengers. Overall, the rise of railroads across the United States in the 1800’s led to great benefits in communication, the transport of goods, and the overall decrease in cost of transportation. These factors all played important roles in the expansion of America. Breakthroughs in communication and trade led to the rise of major cities and industries. The low rates offered by the railways allowed affordable means of transportation for all people, which brought more and more settlers westward. Oscar Winther relates that â€Å"the building of these western railroads had been in a very real sense frontier enterprises; they were, by and large, gigantic thrusts into and across the heretofore unsettled domain† (Winther 116). It was, in fact, the railroads that led to the ultimate expansion of the American frontier.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Pyscho paths Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pyscho paths - Research Paper Example Psychopathy was not recognised earlier because of the less awareness about such a personality disorder. However the development of medical science or behavioural science helped people to get more information about this disease. This paper briefly analyses various characteristics of psychopaths. One of the major characteristics of psychopaths is the attraction towards opposite sex. â€Å"In many instances, the magnetic attraction of the psychopath for members of the opposite sex seems almost supernatural† (THE PSYCHOPATH - The Mask of Sanity). In many cases, psychopaths target a specific age group of people while selecting their prey. This is because of the fact that they developed their anti-personality disorder because of the activities of a particular person or groups of persons belonging to a particular social group or community. For example, a male who was cheated by his female life partner may develop pleasure while raping other females of similar age. He has developed ve ngeance not only towards his wife, but also towards the community of females who belong to the same age group of his wife. He will identify all the females in that age group as cheaters and he will declare rape or murder punishment to such people in his court of justice. He will consider killing or attacking such females as his moral responsibility to save others from such people. In short, psychopaths may not possess any guilty feeling during or after committing serious crimes. For them, they are the authorized persons by God to punish guilty people. Charles Montado (2010) has pointed out the following characteristics of psychopaths; Superficial charm and average intelligence, Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking, Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations, Unreliability, Untruthfulness and insincerity, Lack of remorse or shame, Antisocial behavior without apparent compunction, Pathological egocentricity and incapacity to love, Specific loss of insight , Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations, Fantastic and uninviting behavior with drink and Failure to follow any life plan (Montado). Because of the brutal nature of activities committed by psychopaths, there are lots of myths associated with the behaviors of psychopaths. One of the wide spread belief about psychopaths is that they may eat human flesh. However, the above belief seems to be meaningless as no cases were reported about such behaviors of psychopaths yet. We are living in an extremely tensed world at present in which we forced to face lot of difficult life situations. The commitments of current generation are more than that of the older generation because of the changing life styles and life philosophies. Failure in fulfilling the commitments often makes a person dissatisfied about his life. Such dissatisfaction may often lead towards the development of negative thoughts and psychological problems. The failure in adapting with the changing life styles often resulted in emotional outbursts or catharsis. But some people suppress their emotional problems even if they face severe adaptation problems. Suppression of emotions or negative feelings will often result in the making of a psychopath. Emotional problems result in accumulation of stress and this stress needs to be released some way in

Friday, September 27, 2019

Compensation and benefits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Compensation and benefits - Essay Example Since every organization strives to surpass the others in business and efficient allocation of resources, many organizations take strategic measures to target the competitor’s employees with a higher pay and more benefits. This allows them to gain an upper hand over the competitors as they have a valuable resource that once contributed towards the success of their rival company. In this age of business innovation and competition, it became imperative for organizations to develop strategic compensation plans with non-tangible benefits to satisfy and retain employees. Apart from restricting their move to another organization, employees who are offered a fair and attractive compensation also tend to be more efficient at work. From the organizational point of view, employees who have been given training and have been honed to work effectively become less likely to switch. A strategic compensation package builds up the organization’s image as good employer. This image is ben eficial for any company because it attracts more qualified professionals to apply for jobs in these organizations. Traditional bases for pay involve the consideration of employees on the basis of the general cost of living, experience, qualifications, seniority and merit. These have long been determinants of the extent of pay for the service being offered. However, if the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is considered it only satisfies the bottom two needs of the pyramid i.e. psychological, social and safety needs. With the passage of time, the compensation bases have also evolved and the modern bases of have a few more additions like variable pay according to performance, usage as a means to communicate the organization’s values and variability with the business performance. The modern system hence caters to the self-esteem and self-actualization level of the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Beethoven's Symphony and Popular Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Beethoven's Symphony and Popular Music - Essay Example Beethoven’s Symphony and Popular music are ancient art that remain popular to date. On the one hand, Symphony is classical music in Europe. Since his period, when the music assumed substantial popularity as generally polished and the best living artist, the Beethoven's composition has continued to be the most listened to, talked about and reviewed genres. Beethoven is largely classified among the highly significant Western composers, with his music being the most commonly recorded across the society. His stylistic discoveries include two accomplishments. First, they elevated the Classical style to its top most expressive degree, deepening in official, configuration and harmonic notes to the musical expression created by forerunners such as Haydn and Mozart. Moreover, they proved enormously powerful over the melodic language and philosophy of the Romantic period, whether they served to enhance direct encouragement, or in regard to establishing a musical presentation of the arti st’s language. On the other hand, popular music encompasses any of several of musical genres having profound popularity and is essentially distributed to the mainstream audiences of all segments via the melodic industry. Notably, what popular genre stands for and represents is different from Beethoven’s music; the latter being essentially differentiated scholarly or verbally to less significant, domestic audiences (Scruton 42). Even though popular music infrequently is recognized as ‘pop music,’ both expressions are different. For instance, popular music entails a generic expression for melodies of all generations that is preferred by large proportions of people, while pop music is normally confined to a particular musical genre (Scruton 42-45). Beethoven’s Symphony Beethoven championed two significant cultures through his target of the larger bands. That continued until the early twentieth century, and championed the focus of the tunes downwards during performance, to t he lower keys, cellos, and violas enabling his music to involve a heavy and dark sensation (Goehr 66-68). In general, Beethoven’s Symphony is different from those of the ancient music in term of the establishment of large, longer architectonic designs typified by the remarkable improvement of musical resource, agendas, and motifs, normally by modulation initiatives; that is, an alteration in the sensation of the home key, via several harmonic tunes or notes. Beethoven's work championed his capacity to swiftly set up firmness in juxtaposing various keys and startling notes to accompany them. Notably, this stretched harmonic realm establishes a feeling of a tremendous musical and empirical touch, which dictates the rhythm of the music and the growth of musical resource, a clear establishment of some kind of unfolding art in this pause. Goehr (67) indicates Beethoven made immense contributions which further set up some kind of a blend of the various philosophies and cultural iss ues in several attempts to move with the discovery of the messages carried in his the music. The ‘germ motive,’ which involves an inspiration, was summoned to establish motives and agendas throughout the whole art, albeit in a benign manner. Therefore, all the themes of the ancient age were associated with several motives in the music. An ancient and popular illustration of this is Beethoven’s sonata 'Pathetique', in which all of the themes employed in the initial movement arose from a simple notion borrowed from its introductory bar. Correspondingly, the introductory notes of his Eighth Symphony played a significant role, as it forms the basis of motives employed throughout the entire symphony (Stanley 1). It is notable that this art contributes to the unification of an effort or an array of works; as a number of motives employed by Beethoven uniquely characterized works. He managed to execute this devoid of repeating material precisely or employing canonic touc h. In view of this, Beethoven’

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

China Oil Diplomacy In Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

China Oil Diplomacy In Africa - Essay Example The Sino-African trade alignment is one such relationship between countries, which has raised many interesting issues at the international forum. The fact of the matter is that China requires oil for its fast growing industries, which Africa can offer, and Africa requires financial and development support, which China can provide. From the traditional Ricardian comparative cost advantage framework, each country specializes in producing and exporting the goods, which they produce at a lower relative cost than other countries. It is because each country is endowed with certain specific factors by nature, which places them in a unique position to produce certain goods at a cheaper cost than others. Hence a country which can produce a commodity at a cheaper price is in a position to compete with others whose cost of production is dearer. For example, China, because of its capabilities in producing and exporting textiles at a cheaper price in comparison with other countries, is better suited to supply textile products to Africa. At the same time, if China throw all its might in trying to extract oil from its own geographical bound aries, the unit cost of oil would be dearer in comparison with the oil they can import from, say, Angola. In such a situation, it is better for China to supply its cheaper textile products to Angola, and import its oil requirement from Angola. Thus, on account of inbuilt comparative advantages, international trade is beneficial for both the partner countries. On account of China's oil and other natural resources requirements, and China's capabilities in providing development assistance and technical support to Africa, both China and the African countries are better placed to enter into relationship with each other to mutually benefit from trade. Africa is looking for new development opportunities. Old actors such as Japan, the US and the EU and their African strategies did not go well with Africa. It is also evident that the African continent is growing fast on account of Sino-African relationships, in recent years. Further, during the China Africa Summit, China offered quick packages to Africa, which further strengthened the bond between Africa and China. However, the West looks at China's oil diplomacy in Africa with suspicion, and some critiques argue that China's engagement with Africa does not wear a human face. Hence it calls for an enquiry into the type of role played by China in the African continent to gauge the pros and cons in the Sino-Africa bilateral relationships. In an effort in this direction, I gather the views of various scholars in Sino-African studies and review the literature pertaining to China - Africa in section 2. Based on reliable data sources, I assess the trend in China's trade with Africa in section 3. The conclusions of this study are presented in section 4. Section 2: Literature Review: China's oil diplomacy springs from its quest for oil to feed its economic growth momentum. A steady overseas oil supply in the current geopolitical scenario can be a critical task. China's own experience in procuring oil from outside sources indicate that buying oil from overseas is a poor option compared with control

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Jamaican Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jamaican Culture - Essay Example This essay mostly focuses on the description of Jamaican people and ther bright culture. This essay suggests a brief travel through the Jamaican land which will reflect its true views on religious beliefs, holidays, cuisine, etiquettes, clothing and life-style. History of Jamaica and it's modern developing also described in the essay. Jamaica is the third largest isle out of a chain of four islands known as Greater Antilles and forms the northern boundary of the Caribbean Sea. Jamaica is very mountainous and has valleys, waterfalls, marshlands, flat plains and tropical rain forest. This essay describes Jamaica as a melting pot of many traditions, some legacy of the authentic ancestors and the rest introduced by foreigners. The main ethnic group of population in Jamaica are Blacks, with the minorities of other. According to some researchers, mentioned in this essay â€Å"being one of the largest cities in the country, Kingston is the capital of Jamaica located at south of United States of America†. It also provides reader with information on Jamaican religion and beliefs, such as Christianity and Rastafarian religion, which was developed there. Some other lifestyle traditions of Jamaican citizens are also described, such as common greetings, reationship displays, table etiquette and business etiquette, socializing and different educational levels for men and women. In conclusiion, this essay mentiones Jamaicans as family oriented people who believe in family values and states that the island is exquisitely beautiful.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Learning in the Learning Organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Learning in the Learning Organisation - Essay Example Generally speaking, learning organization is an organization which gives an opportunity to its employees to learn such skills that help them develop professionally. Organizations do help their employees to learn more as it adds value to the organization’s human resource and help the company to sustain its competitive advantage in the market. To be a learning organization is also important because of the change that now takes place very quickly in the market and it is incumbent for the organizations to keep track of these changes (Senge, 1994). Learning organizations Though many researches have been conducted on the area of learning organizations and to define the concept, but no definite definition has yet been provided. Some of the definitions given by some researchers are as under: According to Senge (1990), organizations which provide its employees an opportunity to develop their professional skills in order to achieve job targets more effectively are called learning organi zations. Moreover, such organization also allows its employees to think more creatively and innovative ideas are welcomed. Idea of a learning organization could not be instituted in an organization with out support of top management because it is always upper level management who decides the organizational mission and commands it to the whole organization. ... It’s important for any business to change itself according to the market needs and state its procedures parallel with the changing environment. Employees in learning organizations enhance their skills and abilities to keep pace with the changing needs of the business. Such organizations not only encourage learning at individual level but of organization as a whole. Moreover, results achieved from such learning is implemented to improve the organizational working and get better business results. For an organization it is also important to have such systems and procedures that help make it learning organization and keep it updated with the changes in external environment. An organization must adopt a learning approach towards its procedures and employees must get acquainted with the systems that are implemented to cope with the change. It is also important that such an environment is created in the organization which is flexible and allows employees to participate. Such a flexib le environment would help the workers to share their experiences and learning with each other. Moreover, employees must get self-development opportunities in order to enhance their professional skills at independent level and collaboratively participate in the progress of the organization (Smith, 1999). Pre-requisites of a learning organization For an organization to become a learning organization, there are some requirements that must be met. Senge (1990) has explained five major requirements which an organization must meet in order to be a learning organization. These pre-requisites are as under: 1. Shared Visions: It is important for an organization to have a shared vision because it gives a purpose for existence to an organization.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Miller said the Crucible Essay Example for Free

Miller said the Crucible Essay Miller emphasizes this by using short sentences with many pauses. The silence creates pathos for the characters from the audience. There is also a lot of questioning which reflects conflict and how the characters are helpless like a small child. This emotional togetherness of the Proctors contrasts greatly with their conflict with each other on pages 41-45: A sense of their separation arises p42. When the Proctors were together being able to live physically and sexually together they were separate but now they are about to be ripped apart they are emotionally together. Elizabeth speaks the last words of the play about John. This shows how their conflict has finally been resolved. This contrasts with the dramatic devices used in the next part of the scene after they begin to speak about Johns confession and when Hathorne comes in. This next part uses pauses and questioning as well to convey an interrogative atmosphere. It is no longer a personal scene- this part shows the community side to the play. There is a sharp conflict between the individual and the community in this scene but it is concentrated more on in the rest of the play. Another main theme in The Crucible is that of the conflict between innocence and experience/guilt. On page 110 Elizabeth says out in the open that it were a cold house I kept. This tells the audience that Elizabeth was frigid in her relationship with John. This has been hinted at throughout Elizabeth and Johns conversations and especially in Act 2 p42 its winter in this house yet as John says. Even though this is used by Elizabeth to show that she is guilty it tells the audience she is in fact innocent. To all appearances, and how most of the other characters perceive Elizabeth and Abigail, Elizabeth is the guilty one and Abigail is the innocent. They see Abigail as a child and a virgin who is pure sexually, morally and religiously whereas the audience, John, Elizabeth and Hale know better. The majority of characters see Elizabeth as the older, more sexually and sinfully experienced. Salem societys religious outlook fogs their judgement and they assume that the woman who they perceive as sexually innocent is also legally innocent. As we see they are wrong in both respects: John has committed adultery with Abigail who is the experienced and guilty one. William Blake This play is about the individual vs. the community. It shows the world what can happen if an individual speaks up for his/herself and acts on his/her personal beliefs. If one is not on the side of the community one is estranged from the community and rejected. In extreme circumstances, such as in this play, one can be put to death. Hale says (p116) that it is pride, it is vanity to create conflict with the community when you know you will be punished for doing so. Personally I think, I believe Arthur Miller thinks and the character of John Proctor thinks, that Hale is wrong. He suggests that it is wrong when he says it is vanity. Miller tries to show that John is a mostly upright character and died for a good cause. Miller believes this conflict between the individual and the community is right when the community is repressive and punishing. The word sibilance in the stage directions (p106) at the beginning of this scene means hissing and actually makes a hissing sound when articulated properly. The sibilance at the beginning of this scene shows the conflict between Elizabeths inner emotions and the emotions of the other characters in the scene. This sound breaks the silence when John comes in. I think it sets the scene for the last part of the play because Elizabeth Proctor is very docile and defeated at this last part of the play and Johns feet on the ground sounds like an animal hissing in fright. I think that at this point Elizabeth is hissing inside and this is the expression of her inside emotions. It is later confirmed that she is very scared for Johns life and her own and terrified about the whole situation as she is later in terror, weeping. This is caused because of the Proctors earlier conflict being resolved. This sibilance could alternatively be interpreted as Johns defiance against the court officials and jailers because as we see when Parris feebly offers, a cup of cider, Mr Proctor, he has nothing but contempt for them. The themes in this scene relate to the play as a whole. The theme of truth and lies and its resultant effect upon justice and injustice runs throughout the play. It begins on a simple level in Act One then as the play develops the situation gets more serious. The yellow bird the afflicted girls see could symbolise lying because the colour yellow is often linked with this conflict. This conflict continues all through the play and is resolved at the end when John Proctor and Rebecca Nurse hang because they are on the side of truth. In a way one could say that justice is defeated and destroyed at the end of the play because of all the characters those who stand up for truth and real justice, not Salem justice, are hanged. In my opinion justice wins this conflict because Proctor doesnt give in to lying at the very end. Although, he may be in part considering his and his familys reputation, his behaviour can also be likened to that of a saint after all; it is reminiscent of the early Christian martyrs. The truth/lies and justice/injustice conflicts are intrinsically related not just in the play but also universally. Falsity like Abigails can invoke great injustices as we see in the play but falsity like Hales let him give his lie intended actions could bring us back to justice. In the same way truth like Johns saying he will not sign myself to lies can lead to injustice since he is hanged at the end but in this play a great number of characters would have to see the complete truth to lead the to justice. Since all the characters have some belief in God the supreme judge they all believe in truth and justice to a certain extent and that that will be give at the end. As Elizabeth says: There be no higher judge under heaven. No one except God can judge Proctor and the other people to be hanged. This essay has discussed conflict between and within various different themes, people and ideas. The Chambers Science and Technology Dictionary says that a crucible is, a refractory vessel or pot in which metals are melted. The introduction to the Heinemann version of The Crucible 1992 (Maureen Blakesley) says, John Proctor is tested in a life threatening ordeal and his death at the end rather than betrayal of his conscience shows that he too has come through the fire to be purified. I would go as far as to say that the crucible (refractory vessel) is the ordeal and events therefore the play itself: The Crucible and the whole idea of conflict can be taken from just the play title. When John finally has his transgressions and personal disbeliefs refracted he is executed. This is also symbolic to show he becomes pure suggesting he has reached paradise after being removed from the crucible. Imogen Hagarty 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Video games Essay Example for Free

Video games Essay â€Å"What Video Games Have to teach us about Learning and Literacy† I’m sure that we all are, or were at one time, around video games whether we were playing the game or someone we know was playing. Most adults think children spend too much time playing video games. I know my mom is constantly yelling at my 10 15-year-old brothers to get off. My mom thinks that video games for so long will eventually ruin their eyesight. My brothers are video game addicts. My brothers always complain when my mom tells them to get off. Maybe my mom is wrong about video games. Maybe they could actually help my brothers. James Gee has a different thought than my mom and most parents. James Gee is also a father of his 11-year-old son, which made Gee â€Å"immigrate† to the world of video games. James would sit there with his son and play with him, until one day he decided that he would play on his own. After playing by him, James realized that there is a lot more to video games and they can actually in a way be positive. James sees video games as a way for children to use their brains. You have to learn how to play the game before you play it or else you will not be able to move forward in the game. Most games have a goal that you have to learn how to get there. By the children learning how to play, it is positive and in scary way actually benefits the children even though parents would never think it. Gee and Prensky’s views are similar. In Prensky’s essay he says that he thinks it would be the right time for us to advance our educational system because as we can see, technology is now a big part of our generation and it is only going to grow. Prensky referred to the students of the world today as â€Å"digital natives† because we grew up with digital technology. Growing up into the world of technology made us adjust and get used to using it so quickly. The teachers don’t know as much as the â€Å"digital natives† (students) do about new technology. In my opinion, I think technology is a great thing in the world today. As a student in college, technology plays a huge part. I use my computer for 99% of my schoolwork. I use it in class, to take notes, for homework, for research, to print, etc. I’m sure I am not the only one that doesn’t like to read, so instead of us students using the library to use books for research, we can do it on our computers. I personally do not play video games and cannot see myself sitting there like my brothers for countless hours learning how to play. I definitely do agree with Gee, and can see video games benefiting people of all ages.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Fundamentals of Marketing

Fundamentals of Marketing Kirsty Hayes, Bianca Jones, Chris Duffy, Tim Stone EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to gain further insight into AAMIs current position in the personal car insurance market and to identify suitable marketing strategies to meet the needs of current and future customers. Despite being the largest insurer in the motor vehicle market there are many new competitors undercutting insurance premiums, mostly through online sales and service. Current competition includes IAG, on policy, and Budget Direct, on a price point. Since the GFC consumers have shown to be more cautious but with higher expectations. Current measures of internet and social media use shows the incredible scope of data facebook is able to collect from target segments. Loyalty and time wasted choosing a company are the most important characteristics of insurance seekers. They are most likely to use trusted brands when not engaged in the process. Surveys also found Australia wide retention of insurance customers more than 50%, however 75% of customers are not likely to seek out a company but want to make the best purchase decision. A further 10% want convenience purchasing insurance. AAMI must maintain its focus on consistent, excellent customer service, and utilising facebook to identify and communicate with customers. The process of purchasing a policy and making claims must be refined further strengthening the AAMI brand. INTRODUCTIONLACE INFLUENCING This report aims to provide a summary of where AAMI is situated against its market competitors and help develop a marketing strategy to promote sustained long term business opportunities. The ABS (2016) estimated 17.7 million vehicles registered in Australia at the 31st October 2014 whilst Tiwari (2014) claims the Domestic Motor Insurance segment is worth 6 Billion dollars in premiums per year and is the largest is the Australian general insurance market. AAMI face a multitude of competition in the Australian Motor Insurance segment and this paper will identify two competitors, IAG group and Budget Direct. This report is broken into two major sections, the first will evaluate and analyse competition along with demographic and technological trends and understanding how these factors may affect business in both the short and long term. The second part identifies possible segmentation which is involved with purchasing motor insurance. Providing historic trend information from the market will help create a new marketing strategy. INSURANCE INDUSTRY OVERVIEW The insurance industry has had some significant hurdles in recent years, these have changed the way insurers need to market themselves and maintain profits. Buyers have become more cautious; expectations of products and services have increased since the global financial crisis (How Australian insurers can achieve profitable growth in a challenging market 2017). Pay-outs for natural disasters have increased in frequency and value due to climate change, effecting insurers bottom lines (Insurance industry and climate change 2017). With the large number of insurers in the market creating intense competition, each company needs to ensure they have the right mix of products and customers to maintain their overall profit. AAMI WITHIN THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY AAMI positions itself as the customer focused and fun insurance company, to differentiate from other insurers and say they are the not very insurancy insurer using comical advertisements which attract younger consumers (AAMI 2017). It seems to be working for them, AAMI sits at number 5 of the top ten list of best insurance companies within Australia (Top Tens 2016). Below is a chart which shows AAMIs position within the market. RECENT TRENDS THAT IMPACT THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY       Usage based insurance (UBI) While UBI is not a new concept in places like the US, it is only recently becoming common place within the Australian insurance industry (Dipak 2015). Things like pay-as-you-drive insurance, where customers only pay insurance for the kilometres they actually drive and pay-how-you-drive insurance, where customers get discounts for being safer drivers (Lukens 2014). This means customers can decrease their premiums to a rate previously impossible with other methods and feel like they have more control over what they pay. It also enables better identification of customer segments for future planning of products. The Internet of Things Still an upcoming trend within the insurance industry, as explained by Forbes (Morgan 2014) this is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each other). Wearable technology for tracking heart rates, exercise, sleep patterns and more are being used in collaboration with health insurers. Sensors in cars are being used to calculate the risk of particular drivers by tracking speed, acceleration, and braking distance (Liew 2016). This information helps to speed up the claim process with more detailed information of accidents (Kumaresan 2016). For the insurance industry, this means more information available to calculate premiums and reduce risk for insuring specific customers. KEY COMPETITORS As Tiwari (2015) explains the Motor Insurance marketplace could be divided up into 4 segment areas. There are 2 major firms which own multiple companies and these are the Suncorp Group and the IAG Group with the rest of the industry made up from smaller competitors (image 1 gives a detailed example). Appendix A is an online comparison of comprehensive policies between NMRA, Budget Direct and AAMI. As Lamb (2016) highlights international firms need to take into account local domestic firms which are also fighting for a share of the market. Image 1 (image sourced from IAG Group The IAG group is our biggest competitor and will continue to be into the future as they share a similar infrastructure to AAMI. IAG also have national leverage through their independent brands RACV, NMRA, SGIO and SGIC. IAG have a major focus on making the world a safer place (IAG Group, 2017). IAG products tend to balance between price, volume, and service. They have no major advantage over our brand. Budget Direct Budget Direct are a small player being very aggressive to gain major market share. They specialise in insuring low risk clients to keep premiums down (Budget Direct, 2017) thus sitting in the price sensitive area. They have some advantages for customers compared to AAMI on their standard comprehensive product such as offering a no claim bonus on windscreen damage. Appendix A provides a detailed summary. A KEY PLAYER OF IMPORTANCE Australias population is currently 23.3 million people with more than 15 million owning smartphones. According to Neilsen, we spend on average of over one hour per day using smart phones, of which 35% of the time is spent on social media. According to Forbes (2016), in the social media landscape, Facebook is the most popular site with more than 15 million users and in a survey by Sensis in 2016, for more than 12 hours per week so it makes sense that our advertising can reach more customers in an increasingly competitive market. By developing a partnership with Facebook, AAMI can target market segments differently using each groups interests based on data received from the company. Nadia Cameron from IDG (2016) identified raising of brand awareness and conversions as the major reasons for AAMI using Facebook marketing. Failure in this partnership would be fatalistic with over 1.7 billion users worldwide connected to Facebook. OTHER FACTORS INFLUENCING THE INDUSTRY Technological Trends Online Applications AAMI has launched the AAMI Access ® Application which they have marketed as Insurance in your Pocket (AAMI 2016). It allows you to monitor and update your policies, make an instant claim and upload claim photos from your device, and allows claim and live repair tracking. As at 30 June 2016, there were approximately 22 million mobile handset subscribers in Australia (ABS, 2016) making the creation of an online application a great innovation as it allows an easier service for the consumer and the insurance agency and leverages off the fact that consumers are becoming more advanced in online technology. This is not the only application available from insurance companies but it will continue to grow in trend. Self-Driving Cars (2016) says that there are already self-driving Volvos on the road in Sweden and in 2017, there will be over 100 on public roads, and this will continue to grow. This trend will be crucial to car insurance companies as it will alter the way insurance is provided, calculated and it could make it more difficult to prove which vehicle is in the wrong. Demographic Trends Cars in Victoria The Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011) states there were a total of 1,944,688 motor vehicles in Victoria. Car insurers need to keep abreast of current trends and ensure ease and simplicity when dealing with consumers and insurance. SECTION 2: SEGMENTATION FRAMEWORK CONSUMER CHARACTERISTICS In this section, we recommend a way that AAMI could segment their market so they can have more targeted marketing. There are many things a consumer will look at when deciding on a car insurance company. Global Reviews regularly conducts research into how a consumer purchases car insurance, and posted in May 2015, that 71% of consumers had a brand in mind before beginning their research, only 34% of these consumers still preferred that brand at the end of their research. However, AAMI was the clear leader in an unprompted recall at 73%. The research found that 74% are current customers when they choose a car insurance policy. Lamb (2013) says that goods and services that are purchased regularly are associated with routine response behaviour, showing that those who already have a policy with AAMI are more likely to continue to renew their policies with AAMI. A trusted brand is also a high priority when deciding on car insurance. The research shows that 53% trust the brand they chose ( 2015) and Lamb (2013) says that when consumers dont want to have to think too much about a purchase decision, they often revert to known and trusted brand names. Based on the secondary research, two different consumer characteristics have been identified that are important in the car insurance category. Characteristic Type of segmentation Description Why is this characteristic important to AAMI? Lifestyle How much time spent searching for car insurance Psychographic This relates to how much time consumers are willing to research different car insurance deals. This impacts how likely a new customer is to find Aami appealing and how likely an existing customer is to find a better deal elsewhere. Personality How loyal they are to a certain company Psychographic This relates to how often a customer is willing to change insurance companies. This impacts how likely a customer is to switch insurance companies if a better deal is found. Table 3. Consumer Characteristics of importance to car insurance purchase decisions SEGMENTATION FRAMEWORK Based on these two key characteristics one way that AAMI could segment their market into the following four segments: How much time is spent researching Little to no time researching Extensive researching How loyal they are to a certain company Very loyal Customers for life This segment contains customers which either do not have time to research or are not interested in researching different insurers due to loyalty to their current company. Great if you are their current company but difficult to get across from somewhere else. Knowledge is power This segment contains customers who have the time and drive to research different companies but who prefer to stay with their existing company. They are more likely to try to get a better deal with their current insurer than switch. Not very loyal Only if they have to This segment contains the customers who know they need insurance but dont waste time thinking about the details. They may perform a basic search and go with the insurer they notice first. Flashy adds will draw their attention. Simply the bestà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. for less This segment contains the customers who will spend as much time as needed to search for the very best deal no matter who it is from. Having the details which set you apart from competitors on your website is key for these customers. Table 4. Proposed segmentation framework for AAMI. SEGMENT PROFILES The following information has been used to roughly estimate the size of each of these segments. In order to more accurately determine the segment size and segment profile, AAMI would be required to conduct further research with consumers. Generation Y is the most under-insured generation, with a World Insurance Report showing only 36 per cent, compared to 52 per cent of others (Han 2016) Studies indicate, 86 per cent of Australian consumers would only consider between one to three insurers when selecting their next policy (Martin 2016) A survey showed only 15 per cent of respondents believed it was essential to find the cheapest product (Myth vs Reality The Expectation Gap in the ANZ Insurance Industry 2016, p 4) A survey also showed that Australian insurers have retention rates of more than 50 per cent across the board (Myth vs Reality The Expectation Gap in the ANZ Insurance Industry 2016, p 7) DESCRIPTION Customers for Life Knowledge is power Only if they have to Simply the bestà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦for less Estimated % of consumers 50% 25% 10% 15% Expectation of segment to grow/shrink Shrink With more information on competing products being in social media this segment is expected to shrink. Grow With more ways now available for consumers to customise their insurance or barter with companies this segment is expected to grow. Constant Some behaviours will never change, time poor or uninterested consumers will always be a constant overall in any industry. Grow With more ways for consumers to easily find information on different companies it is expected that this segment will grow. Purchase behaviour They are not likely to seek out new insurers but would have no choice but to hear about new products through social media They want to make the best purchase decision but also believe that staying with one company is beneficial. They will make quick decisions on insurance if they feel they need to have it even though they dont really want it They will conduct thorough research to find the best deals available. Price and product is their drive, not brand loyalty. Brand Preference This group prefers well- known brands as they are more trusted and seen as a good choice for the long term, once they find an insurer they stick with them. This group also prefers well-known brands for the same reasons but are likely to switch between the big 4 or 5 insurers when necessary. This group has no specific brand preference. They may choose based on the insurers used by people they know or by which insurer comes up first in their low level of research. This group has no brand preference. It is not guided by friends and family insurers either. They go with whomever has the best deals in their eyes. Potential Profit Moderate At the moment the profit made from this segment would be high due to retention rates. However, with the segment set to shrink, potential future profit will decrease. High If Aami can get the correct product mix to appeal to price conscious buyers Profit will increase from these consumers, they prefer a big brand name like Aami. Moderate Once insured they are less likely to switch, the battle is getting them in the beginning, once with Aami they should be life-long customers. Flashy advertising is needed. Low This segment is always looking for better deals, if Aami arent the cheapest in the industry these customers will switch. This doesnt work with AAMIs customer service image. CONCLUSION The Motor Insurance Industry has never been the most exciting in terms of innovation or technology (Sahoo, 2015). Insurance companies have been slow to adopt technology and innovation into their programs. This is beginning to change because of the digital age that we live. With the population in Australia constantly growing the demand for motor vehicle insurance will always be high. With good branding and positive company exposure AAMI can maintain their presence as a major player in the market place. IAG group is a competitor we will need to constantly monitor as they pose the biggest threat to our overall market share. It is recommended that AAMI continue to invest in technological and social branding, making it easier for people to connect with the brand. Continual research needs to be done on consumer insights involving brand perception along with potential customers. This would benefit our industry segmentation profile and strengthen our framework criteria. APPENDIX REFERENCE LIST AAMI 2017, Did you know, AAMI, viewed 7 January 2017,> AAMI Car Insurance 2016, AAMI Access ® App, AAMI, viewed 6 January 2017, keyword=aamief_id=WE5c3QAAAJReYgzb:20170113020025:s ABS 2014, Survey of Motor Vehicle Use, Australia, 12 months ended 31 October 2014, viewed 11 January 2017,[emailprotected]/mf/9208.0/ Accenture, How Australian insurers can achieve profitable growth in a challenging market, Accenture, viewed 8 January 2017,> Armstrong, G, Adam, S, Denize, S Kotler, P, 2011, Principles of Marketing, 5th edn, Pearson Australia, French Forest NSW Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016, Internet Activity Australia June 2016, ABS, viewed 6 January 2016,[emailprotected]/Latestproducts/8153.0Main%20Features5June%202016?opendocumenttabname=Summaryprodno=8153.0issue=June%202016num=view= Australian Bureau of Statistics 2017, Population Clock 2 January 2017, ABS, viewed 2 January 2017,> Budget Direct 2017, About Us, Budget Direct, viewed 2 January 2017, Cameron, N 2016, Why AAMI turned to Facebook mobile and segmentation to drive brand favourability, 2 May, CMO from IDG, viewed 3 January 2016, Cowling, D 2016, Social Media Statistics, Social Media News, 1 February, viewed 2 January 2017,> DeMers, J 20 August 2015, The Definitive Guided to Marketing Your business on Facebook, Forbes, 20 August, viewed 11 January 2017,> Dipak, Sahoo 2015, Innovation in Australias insurance industry, The Australian, 10 September, viewed 3 January 2017,> GlobalReviews 2017, How AU consumers research select a car insurance provider online, GlobalReviews, viewed 12 January 2017, GlobalReviews 2014, How do consumers research motor insurance providers and whos winning them, GlobalReviews, September 2014, viewed 3 January 2017, GlobalReviews 2016, Motor Insurance: Digital Effectiveness Report, GlobalReviews, viewed 4 January 2017,> Han, Ester, 2016, On-demand insurance Trov launches in Australia targeting Generation Y, The Herald, 30 May, viewed 14 January 2017,> IAG Group 2017, IAG About Us, IAG Group, viewed 2 January 2017, Kumaresan, A 2016, Top 10 Trends in Insurance in 2016, Capgemini, viewed 9 January 2017, Lamb, C. W., 2016, MKTG3, 3rd Asia Pacific ed. s.l.:s.n. Liew, R 2016, Insurers set to track driver behaviour, The Age, 14 January, viewed 14 January 2016,> Lukens, D 2014, 2014 Usage-based Insurance (UBI) Research Results for Consumer and Small Fleet Markets, Lexis Nexis, viewed 9 January 2016,> Market Forces 2017, Insurance industry and climate change, Market Forces , viewed 8 January 2017,> Martin, M 2016, Brand loyalty, a double-edged sword to the Australian insurance industry, Insurance Business, 24 October, viewed 14 January 2017,> Mattro 2017, Top Ten Best Insurance Companies in Australia, The Top Tens, viewed 7 January 2017,> Morgan, J 2014, A Simple Explanation Of The Internet Of Things, Forbes, 13 May,viewed 9 January 2017,> Myth vs Reality The Expectation Gap in the ANZ Insurance Industry 2016, Target, p 4, viewed 14 January 2017,> Sahoo, D 10 September 2015, Innovation in Australias Insurance Industry, The Weekend Australian, viewed 07 January 2017, Sensis, 2016, How Australian People and Businesses are using social media, Sensis, 1 June, viewed 1 January 2017,> Smith, A, 31 October 2015, Mobile Mania! Australia spends on average more than hour a day on their smartphones, viewed 11 January 2017,> Tiwari, U, 2014, Australian Car Insurance Market ANALYSIS, Slide Share, viewed 2 January 2017,> Volvo Car Corporation, Autopilot Travel calmer, safer, cleaner, Vo

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Role of Computer Generated Imagery in the Movie (Film) Industry :: Expository Essays Research Papers

The Role of Computer Generated Imagery in the Film Industry Computer Generated Imagery is the special effects used in motion pictures to create a visual depiction of an illusion that can not be easily created in real life. Directors of major motion pictures have been using these technologies since the early days of the personal computer. Early on, when and special effects were in their beginning stages, it was difficult to make efficient and effective effects that are well accepted by the movie critics and the general public. An evolution of special effects and the introduction of computerized animation brought the standards for movie effects to a higher level. The development of new methods of Computer Generated Imagery for less money and more effective than in the past has allowed even fairly low budget movies to incorporate such technology. Today, movies use CGI to create special effects to replace thousands of extras, stunt people, and puppet like characters, as witnessed in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. The evolution of special effects and Computer Generated Imagery technologies has taken the film industry to a whole new level. Computer Generated Imagery began with awkward and dull effects in the early 1980’s. The 1982 film â€Å"Tron† was a desperate attempt from Disney to jump on the CGI bandwagon and start a revolution in film making technologies ( Although this film showed an attempt at something that had never been done before in the history of cinematics, it was weird and confusing. This broke the door down for other companies to start up and aid films in creating better and better effects that appealed to a larger market. Although the effects were not good in the early days, the general film going public was astonished by computer generated effects and flocked to the theaters to see these cheesy attempts to use basic technology that did not transfer well to the silver screen. It was not until later films like â€Å"Jurassic Park,† â€Å"Toy Story,† and â€Å"The Lord of the Rings† until CGI became a film making powerhouse and the killer application for hig h budget movies. The evolution of the 1980’s saw the pioneers of the early ages of CGI, but it was not until major revolutions in computer aided film making when the industry took a notice. Steven Spielberg’s 1993 film â€Å"Jurassic Park,† one of the first major motion pictures to use CGI on a large scale, is one of the largest grossing movies of all time (imdb.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Desensitized America :: essays research papers

In Candide by Voltaire, there is an instance in the life of the old woman that outrages her. When she meets up with the Mores and they act abusive and intrusive toward her, she is initially outraged. When she stops to think about it, she exclaims that if she had been a person more knowledgeable about their customs, she would be less upset. This suggests that people everyday overlook acts that would be considered by an outsider to be appalling. In our society I can think of many instances that we accept, and in many ways we become desensitized to their horror because they are so common. A big example of this is the rampage of violence especially in our school systems. I can remember my freshman year that there was a bombing in a primary school in Scotland. I cannot even remember all of the details, but it was a truly tragic event. The fact that I cannot remember too much more of this story is an example about how we have become desensitized toward violence in schools. I think that every other day we hear instances of this type of horror. Obviously the one that stands out in my mind is the Columbine tragedy, but in between the huge stories, are the instances that are just as tragic but get less press. So many times we hear of children bringing guns to school, teens that play around with guns that don’t belong to them, and someone gets hurt or even dies. In the summer before I was in eighth grade a boy in the class ahead of me was killed by a gun when he and his cousin were having target practice. I cannot even remember the details of that tragedy, and that happened in my own town. I am sure that many of you have your own memories of instances in your hometowns, but sometimes they seem less important when compared to the â€Å"bigger† tragedies. If an outsider looked into our society, and took note of this, I would hope they would be appalled at the amount of violence and tragic deaths that occur everyday in our society, and our desensitivity to it. If they are not appalled, then perhaps all of humanity has taken a step down and not just our society. If you think that this desensitizing has skipped you, and that you are just as affected every time you read or hear about the death of a child due to guns, bomb scares in schools, even bombings in schools, then try to think of the tragedy in Scotland a few years ago.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Principles of assessment in lifelong learning Essay

1. 1Explain the types of appraisal used in womb-to-tomb acquisition. ( 150 words approx. ) Initial/diagnostic appraisal can be taken before learner’s registration for a class. This is a manner of happening out whether the prospective class is suited for a pupil and meets the learner’s needs or non. Formative appraisal can be taken during the programme or a class. Teachers use appraisals in their instruction Sessionss to do opinion about their scholars. Summational appraisal is used to sketch or work out the degree of accomplishment. Summational appraisal is used for a concluding opinion about the acquisition accomplishments. Formal appraisal is used where there is a demand to measure scholars under controlled conditions. Informal appraisal is used as an on-going cheque on understanding without control conditions. This is an assistance for a instructor to supervise advancement. Independent assessment applies to classs where the scholars are assessed by person other than their instructor. Peer appraisal is used where other scholars are at the same degree of accomplishment and cognition and can play a critical function in judging a learner’s accomplishment degree. 1. 2 Explain the usage of methods of appraisal in womb-to-tomb acquisition. ( 150 words approx. ) Different methods can be used for appraisal in the womb-to-tomb acquisition. Short replies: is a good manner of maintaining pupil activities in their acquisitions. Multiple –choice: is a undertaking in which scholar has to choose the right reply from a figure of alternate options. Observation: Observation is used I this programme for appraisal of micro-teach/ instruction pattern bringing. It can be used in any state of affairs where practical accomplishments are being assessed. Undertaking work: involves a piece of written work in which scholars take duty. Essaies: This is a significant piece of written work every bit good. It asks scholars to demo apprehension of the topic. Examinations: can be taken either by written trials or completion of a practical undertaking under controlled conditions. Oral and aural: These assessment trial speech production and listening accomplishments. In this appraisal. scholars are required to listen to something and respond. Electronic appraisal: refers to the usage of information engineering for any assessment-related activity.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini is well-known Italian dictator. From 1992 to 1943, he ruled over Italy as the leader of the Italian government. His administration adhered to fascism, which was established by Mussolini himself. On the 28th of April 1945, due to uprising and his political defeat, he was captured and executed by a firing squad. Benito Mussolini was born on the 29th of July 1883 in Dovia de Predappio in Italy. His family was not granted with a prosperous life as his father worked as a blacksmith and his mother worked as a grade school teacher.The sinister side of Mussolini materialized even during his younger years. In addition to his inability to perform well academically, he also committed violent acts against his peers. Mussolini was capable of perpetrating menacing and treacherous acts, as he was able to stab one of his schoolmates in his attendance at a boarding school. When he grew up, he was able to get a job as a teacher at a secondary school, after acquiring his college diplom a. In 1904, Mussolini joined attended military services and pursued a career in politics from then on.He united with the Socialist Party. Socialism is a political belief or principle that adheres to equal distribution of property and income between the members of the social system. However, in the advent of World War I, he opposed the Socialist Party and joined the rival nationalist group. Shortly after his crossover, he was able to establish a newspaper, which he called Popolo d’Italia. His political beliefs and ideals served as the backbone of the Popolo d’Italia. His then changed ideologies and principles were learning toward Fascism.Fascism was an established political doctrine where the authority is embodied by a dictator who promoted the primary interest of the nation and enforces tyranny to achieve an end. Mussolini despised communism and socialism. To show opposition for these two parties, he organized a group who promoted the ideas of nationalism. In 1921, the result of the elections put him in Parliament where the National Fascist Party was also organized. Mussolini was the leader of this party who has gained over a thousand followers.He abused his position to stay in power and altered the political system into a dictatorship style of government. Several members of the opposition party were assassinated and mass media was influenced into broadcasting propaganda in favor of the National Fascist Party. During his days as leaders of the Italian government, he employed the use of power and vigor to force people into doing what was favorable to him. However, during the 1930’s, Italy suffered a great blow in its economy.Because of this, Mussolini aimed to establish and develop the Italian Empire. Mussolini believed that in order to improve the economic status of Italy, he should be able to conquer other countries, especially countries in power, in order to capture dominance over the Mediterranean. To further his accomplishment, he supp orted the Nazi Fascist government of Adolf Hitler, and engaged in oppressing the Jews. Because of his brutal means of ruling the government, Italy was not able to bear his rule and discontinued their support for Mussolini.During the World War II, Mussolini submerged Italy into war despite the opposition of the people. It was fear that drove Mussolini into joining the World War II. In this period of chaos and hostilities, Mussolini was able to conquer the European Sea and African Mediterranean Sea, including France, Greece, and Egypt. In the 1940’s, Mussolini suffered a great loss as he lost his control over the Mediterranean Sea. After this political failure, Mussolini was capture and dubbed as the pawn of Hitler.He was shot in Como province leading him to his grave. References About. Com. (2007). The Columbia Encyclopedia: Mussolini, Benito. Retrieved December 7, 2007, from About. Com. Website: http://history1900s. about. com/gi/dynamic/offsite. htm? site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. b artleby. com%2F65%2Fmu%2FMussolin. html Notable Biographies. (2007). Benito Mussolini Biography. Retrieved December 7, 2007, from Advameg, Inc. Website: http://www. notablebiographies. com/Mo-Ni/Mussolini-Benito. html Benito Mussolini A fascist leader of Italy form 1922 to 1943, BENITO MUSSOLINI, centralized all of his power as the leader of the powerful fascist party and tried to make an Italian empire in coalition with the German dictator Adolph Hitler. The conquering of the Italian army in WW2 led to the end of his grand dream and the downfall of his empire. He was born in the town of Predappio close to Forli in Romagna in July 29 1883 to a Black smith name Alessandro and a School teacher Rosa. Just like his father, Mussolini became a keen socialist.In 1901 he qualified as an elementary schoolmaster. The next year he migrated to Switzerland. There he was having difficulty in finding a stable job and was later arrested because of vagrancy, he was barred from Switzerland and was returned to his native land of Italy to serve in the Military. Due to some more trouble with the police, he started working in a newspaper in the town of Trento in Austria where he wrote a novel The Cardinal’s Mistress which was la ter translated into English. Socialist AssociationsHe was later barred by the Austrians too. He later became an editor of a socialist newspaper La Lotta di Classe (The Class struggle) in Forli. His early passion for Karl Marx was enhanced by a combination of ideas from the innovative policy of Auguste Blanqui, syndicalism of Georges Sorel and the thinking of Friedrich Nietzche. Benito later became a secretary of a local Socialist party in Forli in the year 1910. At this point of life, he had a political view totally opposite to what was to come later. He was antipatriotic.In 1911 when Turkey was to be attacked by Italy, he was jailed for his propaganda of peace keeping. He was later editor of an official Socialist newspaper by the name of Avanti in Milan where he recognized himself as one of the most powerful labor leaders in the Italian communism. He had a viewpoint that the working class should unite into a formidable unit prepared to seize power at any time. From here on than the Fascist movement started. When the WW1 started in 1914, Benito along with other communists agreed that Italy should not be a part of it.The only war acceptable to him was the Class war, and he threatened the government that he will lead a When World War I broke out in 1914; Mussolini agreed with the other Socialists that Italy should not join it. Only a class war was acceptable to him, and he threatened to be the leader of a People’s revolt against the government if Italy was a part of the WW1. After several months he suddenly changed his viewpoint on the war and decided to leave the editorial chair along with the socialist party. Birth of FascismHe established a new paper in November of 1914 by the name of Popolo D Italia and prewar group Fascia d Azione Rivoluzionaria. He clearly hoped that the WW1 would result in the collapse of the Italian government which would gain him power. He was to serve in the military later where he was injured in a grenade practice and because o f that he returned to his newspaper editing. In March 1919 Fascism developed into a planned political movement when Mussolini established the Fasci de Combattimento. He failed in the 1919 elections but later in 1921 he entered into the Parliament as a right wing member.Armed squads were established by the Fascist to terrify Benito’s former communist co workers. The government rarely hampered the movement. He got support from the industrialists and in return he gave his support to strike breaking and later he deserted radical demonstrations. The moderate governments of Giovanni Giolitti, Luigi Facta and Ivanoe Bonomi failed to prevent the increase of chaos, Benito was asked by king in October of 1922 to establish a government. Fascist Dictatorship He was supported by the Liberals in the parliament.With their support he initiated stringent censorship and changed the way elections were held in 1925-26 so that he had absolute power and could suspend all other political parties to work. As he had control over the press, he slowly made a legend of Duce, a human being capable of making everything right and had the ability to solve all the problems whether they are political or economic. Soon Italy became a police state. Whoever resisted him like Giacomo Matteotti did of the Socialist party he was very much cruel to them. He had a great skill in propaganda that he had very little opposition.After 1922, many time he personally took over seven departments at the same time like foreign affairs, ministry of the corporations, Army and other armed service, public works, interior ministry along with the premiership. He was the leader of the Powerful Fascist party which was established in the 1921 and also was the leader of the Fascist armed Militia. This made him to be successful in keeping power in his own hands and averting the surfacing of any competitor. This all came at a price of making a government which was corrupt, over centralized and totally inefficient.He spent most of his time on propaganda whether he was in Italy or some where else, here his training as a journalist was precious. Each and every mode of information was carefully monitored to create a fantasy that fascism was the main principle of the 20th century and was take the place of equality and freethinking. He wrote an article in which he laid down the principles of this policy which appeared in Encyclopedia Italiana in 1932. An agreement was signed in 1929 with the Vatican, which finally recognized the Italian State. His leadership finished the parliamentary system.He rewrote the law codes. The teacher teaching in universities or schools were swearing on an oath to secure the regime of Fascist. Mussolini himself started choosing editors of the newspapers and no other editor could establish a newspaper without the permission of the Fascist party. Trade unions were not given total independence were included in what was called the corporative system. The main aim was to place all the Italian public in different organization and corporations which were professional but all under the rule of the government.Mussolini had the idea of shifting the industries from public to private owners with the help of his financial backers. But later in 1930 he started moving back to the conflicting intensity of inflexible governmental control of industry. A huge sum of money was spent on different public works due to which the Italian economy suffered a great deal as he had placed so much money on the heavy industry to make Italy self sufficient but this was not possible as Italy was lacking numerous resources. Military AggressionIn his foreign policy Mussolini started shifting from a peace loving anti imperialism to a tremendous outline of violent self rule. In 1923 the bombing of Corfu is an example of his self rule. After setting up a dummy government in Albania and re capturing Libya, he had a dream of making the Mediterranean Sea Italian Sea. Later in 1935 he along w ith others established an anti Hitler policy at the Stresa Conference to protect the freedom of Austria. His successful battle against Ethiopia (than Abyssinia) was opposed by the League of Nations.Because of this he made a deal with the Nazi Germany, which before had been introverted from the league. Any prospect of a settlement between Britain and France ended when took an active part in the 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War and took the side of General Francisco Franco. After having to make a deal with the Germans, he had to accept the German capturing of Austria and Czechoslovakia’s dismemberment. In 1938 at the Munich Conference, he portrayed himself as a fair person functioning for peace in Europe.His allegiance with Germany was later confirmed when in 1939 he made a Pact of Steel with Adolph Hitler. Being an inferior partner to the Germans, Benito followed the same racial policy as did the German’s did against the Jews. When World War 2 was coming nearer, Mussolini ma de his intention clear to conquer Tunisia, Malta and Corsica. He conquered Albania after a short war in 1939. He didn’t realize that by gaining more power he would have a power balance in Europe, instead he favored a policy pretending and threaten to persuade the Western powers to make way for his growing territorial demands.He lectured for 15 years regarding the merits of war and the military keenness of Italy to battle, but his army was totally unprepared when the attack on Poland by Hitler led to the World War 2. He remained quite for a while until n unless he was sure who will win. He declared war in1940 after the collapse of France, thinking that the war will only last for a few weeks. He later attacked Greece which showed everyone that he was not prepared for a successful military machine. He had no alternative left but to pursue Hitler in announcing war on Russia and United States both in 1941.After Italy was defeated all ends, and the landing of Anglo American in Sici ly in 1943 led to many of Benito’s co workers to turn against him at a conference in Fascist Grand hall on July 25, 1943. This also led to the king dismissing him and ordered for his arrest. The Germans rescued him after a couple of months, after being rescued he set up a Republican Fascist state in north of Italy. Under the German’s he was not more than a dummy. Benito later returned to his ideas of collectivization and communism. He executed the Fascist leader who turned against him including his own son in law.He blamed the Italian public for this although they had been supporting all along his colonial dream. When the Allied Armies reached Milan on April 27 in 1945, Benito along with his mistress Clara Petacci were captured by the Italian enthusiasts, when he was trying to flee into Switzerland. Assassination A day later, Benito and his mistress were both shot dead near a village of Dongo, along with his 15 colleagues, comprising of ministers and officials. The kil lings were conducted by Colonel Walter Audisio; he was given the order to kill Benito by the National Liberation Committee.Later a witness by the name of Bruno Giovanni confessed that he had killed Benito and his mistress but these reports were never confirmed. After the killings, both the bodies were hanging upside down on meat hooks in Milan along with the fifteen colleagues killed, to confirm that the once mighty leader has been killed. This was to discourage the fighting by the fascists. The body was to become a thing of mockery and mistreatment by those who felt he was a cruel ruler. His body was later taken down and buried in an unmarked grave in Milan. Later his body was stolen but retrieved and brought to Predappio.Here he was buried in his family vault. A large marble of himself sits on top of the tomb. He was survived by his wife, Rachel, two sons Romano and Vittorio and his daughter Edda, whose husband was killed by Benito. His third son was killed in an air incident. Bib liography †¢ Benito Mussolini from Answers. com. Retrieved March 27, 2007. From http://www. answers. com/topic/benito-mussolini †¢ Benito Mussolini from Wikipedia (2007). Retrieved on March 28, 2007. From http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Benito_Mussolini †¢ Benito Mussolini Background. Retrieved on March 28, 2007.From http://library. thinkquest. org/17120/data/bios/mussolini/background/backg1. html †¢ Mussolini, Benito from BartleBy (2005). Retrieved on March 28, 2007. From http://www. bartleby. com/65/mu/Mussolin. html †¢ Benito Mussolini. Retrieved on March 28, 2007. From http://www. info. tampere. fi/a/amuri/tyot/ilduce3. htm †¢ Benito Mussolini from Spartacus Educational. Retrieved on March 28, 2007. From http://www. spartacus. schoolnet. co. uk/2WWmussolini. htm †¢ Benito Mussolini. Retrieved on March 28, 2007. From http://www. moreorless. au. com/killers/mussolini. html Benito Mussolini Mussolini is considered to be the founding Father of Fascism, seizing power by a combination of terror and persuasion. He held Italy firmly in his grasp by crushing his enemies while still promising glory. Mussolini was able to successfully turn Italy into a com/world-history-unit-3/">dictatorship under a fascist regime because of the country’s internally divided war-torn society as well as the weak state of Italy’s minority governments which could not unite to oppose fascism and finally because of his ability to appeal to this country through a false sense of security and nationalism. Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was born in Predappio on July 29, 1883.Son of a socialist blacksmith, he grew up to be a self-proclaimed â€Å"anti-patriot† like his father (The Columbia Encyclopedia 33087). He hadn’t taken to school and rebelled against most things. He had gotten expelled from his first school, which was a catholic school ran my monks, though he did better in his second. He went on to become a qualified school teacher, even though he wasn’t interested in teaching. Benito Mussolini had a passion for politics. In June 1902, Mussolini went to Switzerland and got involved with some Italian socialists and got a job as a brick layer and joined the trade union.When he had suggested the very revolutionary idea for a general strike, he got expelled from Switzerland in 1903. He then went to an area called Trentino, which was ruled by the Austrians. The authorities soon labeled him as a trouble-maker; he encouraged the trade unions and attacked the Catholic Church. He was then expelled from Trentino in 1909 (Hibbert 4-10). Throughout Mussolini’s life, he had made his rise to power, many accomplishments, and in the end he had made a huge effect on his country.After being wounded in the trenches during World War I, he was sent home because of an injury only to become editor of his own newspaper. It was called Il Popolo d’Ital ia or The People of Italy. This represented his changing of his pacifist views, he used his paper to spread his new ideas and gain support. Mussolini also organized a pro-war group called Fasci d’Azione Rivoluzionaria. After the war he joined a different group called the Arditi Association, which was a military assembly composed of WWI veterans. Both of the associations contributed to the beginning of fascism.In 1919, Mussolini founded the Fasci de Combattimento, which was the skeletal structure for what was to become the political movement of Fascism. This attracted the attention of the lower-middle class with its nationalistic, anti-liberal ideas (The Columbia Encyclopedia 33087). During the 1920’s the Black Shirt Militia was formed by Mussolini due to his disgust with the corruption of the liberal and later socialist Italian government. Originally, they were reformers but then their methods became harsher and they used violence, intimidation, and murder.One of their typical techniques was to force-feed they’re opponents castor oil, which was often laced with petrol. Another method was to force them to swallow live frogs! Mussolini slowly began to back away from the Arditi Association as his Fascist movement became more powerful. In 1921 he was elected to parliament and the National Fascist party was organized. When his Fascists were sent to march on Rome they were permitted to enter the city and King Victor Emmanuel III called on him to form a cabinet (Lewis 16). This helped him gradually transform the government into a dictatorship.He soon got the official title of head of the government. His ambition to restore greatness found expression in pretentious slogans and speeches in the creation of monumental buildings which helped his encouragement of extreme nationalist groups. The fascist regime turned society into individuals who would just obey and distrust reason as well as understand violence as an essential tool to order. Ideally the country would transform into a totalitarian state; where the government would have total control over the lives of individuals and this would mean that anything is justified if it serves the states ands.Fascism emphasized victory, glorified war, is cruel to the weak, and is irrational and intolerant. Mussolini used the condition of the country to his advantage in his journey to becoming the dictator of Italy. Mussolini actually began his political career as a socialist and then became attracted to fasces, the ancient Roman symbol of the life-and-death power of the state, bundles of the lictor’s rods of chastisement which, when bound together, were stronger then when they were apart – reflecting the intellectual debt that fascism owed to socialism and presaging the symbolism of the renewed Roman imperium Mussolini promised to bring about.Mussolini claimed that it would help strengthen a relatively new nation (which had been united only in the 1860's in the Risorgimento ), although some would say that, like Lenin, he wished for a collapse of society that would bring him to power. Evidently, Mussolini accomplished many things during WW II on the Axis side. He started taking over Italy when he was dubbed Dictator. This was when he first was addressed as Il Duce, which means â€Å"the leader. † Since he had all the power of Italy, he began to take over and make all of the decisions.Mussolini started building roads, kept rivers from over-flowing, increased over production and ran the trains on time. He also extended his control over other countries. He invaded Ethiopia in 1935 and took over Albania in 1939. Not only was Benito Mussolini the leader of Italy, he was also the youngest dictator of Italy. Mussolini’s main role during WW II was being the leader of Italy. As earlier stated, he had tried taking over Ethiopia and seized Albania. Later on, the axis powers took over countries such as: Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, France, Polan d, Romania, and many more.Mussolini soon became known as Hitler’s right hand man, and this helped him become very popular. Through his accomplishments, he pushed Hitler to make his own Fascist party. They became known as the Nazis. The axis power created a Rome-Berlin alliance of totalitarianism. As the axis power had every say in what people did, German, Italy, and Japan felt as though they could do anything. Mussolini had been a huge part with the axis powers during WW II (Lewis 15- 16). Once the Allies had occupied the southern part of Italy in 1943, the King had ordered Mussolini to be arrested in order to sign the peace agreement.He had then been imprisoned and then liberated by the Germans, Mussolini lived in northern Italy until his capture by the Italian Monarchy. He was then executed by the monarchy on April 28, 1945 along with his mistress, Claretta Petacci, by military forces of the Italian Resistance. The next day, their corpses and those of Mussolini’s hen chmen were hanged in the Piazzale Loreto, Milan, for public view (Antliff 1). Antagonisms between political parties had given rise to a civil war that continued for about three more years. Italians then decided, in 1946, to vote to dissolve the Monarchy.Then in 1948, the first political elections were held. Mussolini’s dictatorship will forever be remembered for bringing on many Mafia and Mani Pulite scandals and for political disillusion among Italian youth which escalated into such terrorist acts as Brigate Rosse and the Moro Affair. The Brigate Rosse was a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization that arose out of a student protest movement in the late 1960’s. They had wanted to separate Italy from NATO and promoted violence in the service of class warfare and revolution. The original group concentrated on assassination and kidnapping of Italian Government and private-sector targets.They haven’t conducted an act since 1988, and have been largely inactive since the Italian and France police arrested many of the group’s members. In 1978, the BR had kidnapped Aldo Moro who was the Italian president-to-be. This became known as the Moro Affair. The 50 year period that Mussolini ran as dictator is now labeled as the First Republic which renewed Italian confidence in the democratic process (Lewis 17). The recent appearance of skinhead guards of honour at Mussolini’s tomb had provoked a controversy about how Italians should view their fascist period.Unlike Germany, Italy has never faced up to its role in WW II, preferring to see itself in the role of victim. The national narrative omits the first part of the war, in which Italians fought along side the Germans, and committed crimes in Albania, Greece, and Yugoslavia. Today, a resurgent nationalism has continued to gloss over the more shameful parts of Italian history, while at the same time allowing fascist apologists to exalt Italy’s most notorious 20th leader (Antliff 1). As the great dictator of Italy Benito Mussolini had rose to power by forcing his way to the top.He didn’t let anything stand in his way, even if it meant scamming. He achieved whatever he felt needed to happen, which finally, effected Italy’s history. All in all, Italy unlike the rest of Europe was greatly affected by the first World War and the state that the country was left in made it vulnerable to the extremist view of Mussolini and was easily transformed into a dictatorship and lead into a fateful alliance with Germany. Mussolini and his fascist ideals were able to overthrow Italy and turn it into a dictatorship and lead it into the second World War behind Hitler’s Germany.Mussolini was able to successfully turn Italy into a dictatorship under a fascist regime because of the country’s internally divided war-torn society as well as the weak state of Italy’s minority governments which could not unite to oppose fascism and finally because of his ability to appeal to this country through a false sense of security and nationalism. In my opinion, Mussolini played a negative role in the course of history. He led the Italians into the Second World War and so happened to join the wrong side. Subsequently, the country suffered lasting physical, political, and cultural damage.Their government remains constantly in turmoil. His methods and tactics fostered the rise of the Mafia in Italy. The Mafia and related activities gave the Italians an unfavorable international reputation with crime and trust even today. He fostered distrust of the government by the Italian people, which in itself was not bad, but his chosen methods of accomplishing objectives were proven to be ineffective. His leadership led to the eventual dissolution of the Italian Monarchy, which could have helped stabilize the country had it remained intact much like Britain’s and Sweden’s.His effect on Italy, in many ways, is still being felt today. Works Ci ted Antliff, Mark. Fascism, Modernism and Modernity. The Art Bulletin, Vol. 84, 2002. Falasca-Zamponi, Simonetta. Fascist Spectacle: The Aesthetics of Power in Mussolini's Italy. Berkeley: U of California P, 1997. Fermi, Laura. Mussolini. University of Chicago Press, 1966 Hibbert, Christopher. Il Duce: The Life of Benito Mussolini. Little, Brown, 1962. Lewis, Paul H. Latin Fascist Elites: The Mussolini, Franco, and Salazar Regimes. Praeger, 2002. Mussolini, Benito. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, 2004.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Against Banning Full-Face Veils Essay

Mirayda Martinez Against Banning Full-Face Veils Banning Full-Face Veils would not only make Muslim women feel vulnerable to men as a sexual desire, it would also make them feel betrayed by the country or state they live in. Being told what to wear is like being told what to eat or who to hang out with, it is unjust. Muslim women should be able to dress how they would like without being Judged or assaulted by anyone. The veil helps assure the women that they are not being looked at as a desire and in a way, wearing the veil helps make them feel closer to God. Enforcing laws against Full-Face Veils would be amiss because it would e stripping them of freedom of expression and religion. First, Muslim women should not be Judged by what they wear Just because it is different from the culture and beliefs of everyone else. It is not a crime to be different, but then why do some women get assaulted and harassed for wearing a veil? Just because they do not believe in the same religion as other people does not mean they should get treated any differently than others. Muslim women should be entitled to wear whatever they want to, even if it is a Full-Face Veil that covers them from top to bottom. For some omen, veiling is an expression of their religious beliefs, and is no less or more a part of their religious observance than praying five times a day or fasting during Ramadan, the holy month of fasting and prayer in Islam. † Veiling is a way women express their religious belief and should not get treated any less important than fasting or pra ying towards Mecca; it should get treated with the same respect. Second, the veil is very important.